Engaging Students with Individual Number Racks

We often use a demonstration number rack when reviewing addition and subtraction strategies. It’s an excellent tool that’s proven invaluable in instruction. But don’t overlook the power of individual number racks to encourage students to be more involved.

Several years ago, our third grade team created small number racks for our students to use as we worked on addition and subtraction facts. My teammate and I decided to pull the student racks out and use them throughout the rest of the month. Our thought was that it would help students recall each of the strategies as we reviewed them. We were very pleased with the outcome! Not only did it help students with recall but it also gave them practice with the strategies, held them accountable, and helped them stay focused on the class discussion. More students joined in and were able to show their thoughts and work on their individual number racks. Our review and practice sessions became more efficient and students were excited about sharing their thinking!

Engaging Students with Individual Number Racks

You can also purchase student number rack kits from the Math Learning Center. These inexpensive kits contain all the materials you need for a set of 10.

Engaging Students with Individual Number Racks

It’s important that you allow the students to assemble these tools themselves. In constructing their own number racks, students make connections between the tool and the visual model. This gives them a strong sense of ownership and understanding, which can create positive, long-lasting impressions!